- Highlights of Biochemistry - Rolf Bergmann

Molecular structures: Virology


Highlights of Biochemistry > Virology     
  Jsmol-script Chime-script
  Icosahedral viruses
 Symmetry relationships in capsids of icosahedral viruses
 Structure of viral proteins and their interactions in poliovirus
Poliovirus RNA polymerase

Icosahedral viruses
Symmetry relationships in capsids of icosahedral viruses
Structure of viral proteins and their interactions in poliovirus
Empty capsids and cleavage of VP0
Poliovirus and cellular receptor
Poliovirus protease
Poliovirus RNA polymerase

Phage T4 cell-puncturing device

Tobacco mosaic virus

Spike trimers
Sars2 vs. sars1
Spike mutants
Sars2 rna polymerase
Rna polymerase with remdesivir
Protease with boceprevir
Sars-Cov2 S1 S2
Vaccination spike
Orf9b - tom70
ACE2 decoy
Variants of concern
Omicron summary
Omicron-VOC structure: binding and antigenicity
drug search by bioinformatics

   Impress  /  28-1-2003  /  Rolf Bergmann  /  http://www.papanatur.de/eviro.htm     deutsch