- until 2012: University of Hamburg - Department of Biology - Biocenter Klein Flottbek
Highlights of Biochemistry |
The examples of molecular structures shown here may only be viewed when Chime is installed as a plug-in for Netscape (4.x) or another suitable browser. Since 2021 I try to transcribe the scripts to Jsmol - you will no longer need to istall the obsolete Chime plugin (be patient - my years are counted but I hope for the best).
About the structure files used
About the invention of Chime: Hyperactive Molecules and the World-Wide-Web Information System, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans 2, 1995, 7. (i)
World Index of BioMolecular Visualization Resources (i University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
More about Chime and RasMol (i University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Want to have it all? Download all scripts (35 MB self extracting file)
I appreciate receiving suggestions and hints !
In the last years before my retirement there was no time to update these pages, so I apologize for broken links and other inconveiences.